TOEFL-Needs analysis and -diagnostic test


If you are interested in our courses, please fill out the attached requirement analysis. Then complete our TOEFL diagnostic test. The information you provide and your test results help us to develop an optimal TOEFL preparation concept for you. You will receive the evaluation of your test and our recommendation free of charge and without obligation by e-mail. Your data will, of course, be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties. Please fill out all fields marked with *!

Should you want to go to the online-diagnostic-test directly please, click here.

    I require a TOEFL-Score of* points

    I need the TOEFL results until:

    I studied English at school from* until *.

    Educational qualification (please specify):
    HauptschuleMittlere ReifeFachhochschulreifeAbiturAbitur (Leistungskurs)Other educational qualification

    In addition, I have taken the following English courses (please describe):

    English speaking trips abroad:

    I have or had practical English experience:
    Very oftenRelatively oftenRarelyNever

    I would consider my active knowledge to be:

    I can present myself, describe my job and deal with simple everyday situations.

    I can talk about myself, my work and company and can keep a simple conversation with a native speaker.

    I can answer specific questions and take part in a routine conversation.

    I can lead a technical discussion without too much effort and can master unexpected situations.

    I possess other language skills in:


    Customer feedback


    Um den zu gewährleisten, sind wenige Schritte bis zum Beginn Ihres Kurses in Frankfurt oder in jeder anderen Stadt erforderlich.

    Wir beraten Sie gerne und können und Ihnen ein entsprechend individuell abgestimmtes Konzept vorschlagen.

    Christopher Mann


    +49 (0)69 23 00 20